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Person sneezing in a tissue that has allergies

At Premier Allergy Center, we treat allergies specific to the Atlanta, Georgia area. We have significantly streamlined the testing process compared to allergy tests of the past. Gone are the days of 200+ pokes on your back that only the toughest could withstand. Our process takes less than an hour and is done quickly, efficiently, and comfortably on almost all of our patients over the age of six years old.


Our allergy testing panel is modified periodically to make sure that it includes the most common environmental inhalant allergens causing symptoms in Atlanta, Georgia and the surrounding region, thus insuring the best available results from treatment. We test for all relevant allergens, including dust, cats, dogs, horses, feathers, trees, molds, weeds, and grasses in the area. During your one-hour in-office skin test, we are able to determine your allergies and their severity. If allergy testing is not an option, we can use a simple blood test to identify your specific allergies.


At the conclusion of your test, you will meet with Dr. Daus — to discuss your treatment options.


Patient instructions for skin testing:


  1. Schedule an appointment

  2. Three (3) days or 72 hours before your testing appointment, please stop taking the following medications:

      • Antihistamines

      • Decongestant / antihistamine combination medications

      • Over-the-counter allergy medicines or cold & cough remedies

      • Over-the-counter sleep aids, which usually contain a sedating antihistamine

      • Antidepressants such as Norpramin, Seroquel, Sinequan, Surmontil, Remeron and Vivactil should be stopped before testing. Please check with the prescribing doctor before doing this.

      • Zantac, Pepcid AC, Tagamet, which are OTC meds for reflux

      • Please inform our office if you are on beta-blocking medications, as these will need to be stopped for three days prior to testing. Please check with the prescribing doctor before doing this.

      • Anti-inflammatories such as Celebrex or Bextra for 48 hours prior to testing.


Please download this document for a complete list of all medication restrictions and pre-treatment protocols.


Patients should continue to take the following medications as prescribed:

  • Antibiotics

  • All asthma medications

  • Prescription nasal sprays (like Flonase, Nasonex, Nasacort, Omnaris, etc.), with the exception of Astepro, which is an antihistamine

  • Decongestants that are not combined with an antihistamine

  • Allergy Drops

Allergy skin testing demonstration
allergens cause skin reaction
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